Transforming Your Advocacy Approach

Audience driven. Multi-channel. Back-to-basics. This week, we’re joined by two experts in the field, Erica Farage, Vice President of Political Affairs & Grassroots Advocacy for the International Franchise Association and Caitlin Donahue, Senior Vice President & Director of Digital for Curley Company. We dive into how associations are changing their approach, keeping it simple & building on easy wins to grow their efforts, drive advocacy success and build value with their membership. Stop planning for next year, start thinking about how to transform your communications, strategy, execution, engagement, lobbying and more over the next 2 – 4 weeks. It may mean breaking out of “that’s the way we’ve always done it” type habits, but it’s sure to pay off in the long run.

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Special: Pivoting During Quarantine

As quarantine wears on, associations need to be wary of advocate fatigue. Specifically “going back to the well” without providing context is an easy way to lose even the most ardent advocates. This week, AHD is lucky enough to be joined by Reshma Mehta, Director of Grassroots Advocacy with AARP. We’ll dive in to how one of the nation’s largest organizations is pivoting during this unprecedented time and putting everything on the table. Old is new and nothing should be off the table as you look to engage your stakeholders in the coming days and weeks.

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