Accelerating Digital Transformation

Jordan Craig of the American Forest & Paper Association joins us on the Advocacy Help Desk this week as we talk about making the most of everyone’s time during quarantine. We focus on balance and building – from repurposing videos captured pre-quarantine, to being succinct with messaging and even texting Hill staff – Jordan walks us through how some of his tried & true digital advocacy tactics have evolved over the last few months. It’s a deep dive episode as we talk through how AF&PA has adjusted their overall messaging, embraced new quick-hit items and found success on both the state & federal level.

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Best PAC-tices: Dispelling the Myths

Political Action Committees. Known better as PACs, there’s a lot of (mis)information floating around. Exactly what is a PAC? Who can they give to & how much? Why are they being disparaged day after day? Taped pre-quarantine, on this episode of AHD we’re joined by Kristin Brackemyre of the Public Affairs Council and Jennifer Brooks from Northrop Grumman. Listen in as these two experts in the PAC world help us dispel the myths of PACs while talking best practices & tips for both PAC & advocacy professionals this election season.

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Transforming Your Advocacy Approach

Audience driven. Multi-channel. Back-to-basics. This week, we’re joined by two experts in the field, Erica Farage, Vice President of Political Affairs & Grassroots Advocacy for the International Franchise Association and Caitlin Donahue, Senior Vice President & Director of Digital for Curley Company. We dive into how associations are changing their approach, keeping it simple & building on easy wins to grow their efforts, drive advocacy success and build value with their membership. Stop planning for next year, start thinking about how to transform your communications, strategy, execution, engagement, lobbying and more over the next 2 – 4 weeks. It may mean breaking out of “that’s the way we’ve always done it” type habits, but it’s sure to pay off in the long run.

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Special: Pivoting During Quarantine

As quarantine wears on, associations need to be wary of advocate fatigue. Specifically “going back to the well” without providing context is an easy way to lose even the most ardent advocates. This week, AHD is lucky enough to be joined by Reshma Mehta, Director of Grassroots Advocacy with AARP. We’ll dive in to how one of the nation’s largest organizations is pivoting during this unprecedented time and putting everything on the table. Old is new and nothing should be off the table as you look to engage your stakeholders in the coming days and weeks.

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Special: Conveying Your Purpose, Promise & Value

Another week in quarantine, another week joined by an expert in the PAC & Advocacy space. This week we’re joined by Amie Adams, President of Dunn Associates. A 20+ year veteran of working with associations, non-profits, PACs & more, Amie walks us through what organizations need to do right now to connect with their advocates / contributors. We’ve talked before about how now is not the time for the traditional. Instead, think about your organization’s purpose, promise and value. Can your advocates quickly pinpoint what you offer? If not, it’s time to get your message out.

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Special: Leading Through Change

Now is NOT the time to do the traditional. In this week’s special episode of AHD, we sit down with Tommy Goodwin, Head of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs at the Project Management Institute (PMI) to discuss how associations can lead in this time of change. Leveraging his background in lobbying and the work that the PMI is doing in supporting logistics to the pandemic response, Tommy walks us through how advocacy professionals need to adjust workflows and mindsets TODAY to succeed both now and into the future.

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Special: Turn Your Fly-Ins Virtual

Fly-ins are cancelled. In their place, successful organizations are going virtual and that means VIDEO. Easy and just as effective, we break down, step-by-step, how you can leverage Zoom to connect your advocates on video calls with each other and with staffers – and why they can be MORE successful than face-to-face meetings! Everyone is sending letters, tweets and doing calls. If you want to stand out and have your voice heard – “Show your face! Use Video!”

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Special: Associations & COVID-19

As groups shuffle, reschedule, suspend and cancel their events in response to COVID-19, AHD is joined by Mary Kate Cunningham, VP of Public Policy @ ASAE to dive into how associations are helping to guide their membership. From being a central point of industry related information and setting up specific webpages, to advising on pushing fly-ins and dealing with potential financial impact, we touch on a variety of scenarios that can potentially help associations, coalitions, corporations and non-profits dealing with how to be a resource in a time of need.

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New Ep: Small Data = Better Data

Well, you told me I have a plethora. And I just would like to know if you know what a plethora is.” – Three Amigos

While everyone is talking about data in advocacy these days, does anyone really know what that means? On this episode of the Help Desk, we’re joined by Henri Makembe, Partner at LPS Campaigns, who dives into what data your group should be looking to capitalize on, where you can find it, and what the best practices look like for getting started. It’s not Big Data, it’s better, smaller data points that really drive effective advocacy efforts.

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New Ep: Leveraging LinkedIn for Advocacy

LinkedIn. Even mentioning the name conjures up images of uploading a resume, browsing job postings, and even writing recommendations for trusted friends and colleagues. But if that’s all that comes to mind when thinking about LinkedIn, you may be missing the full potential of the platform. This week we’re joined by Erica Pyatt, Manager, Advocacy and Government at LinkedIn who walks us through how advocacy efforts, organizations, brands, and more are leveraging the platform to reach everyone from decision makers to potential new advocates. Download the latest episode and watch the video today.

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