Special: Turn Your Fly-Ins Virtual

Fly-ins are cancelled. In their place, successful organizations are going virtual and that means VIDEO. Easy and just as effective, we break down, step-by-step, how you can leverage Zoom to connect your advocates on video calls with each other and with staffers – and why they can be MORE successful than face-to-face meetings! Everyone is sending letters, tweets and doing calls. If you want to stand out and have your voice heard – “Show your face! Use Video!”

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New Ep: Advocacy as Sales

We talk about the idea a lot here at SparkInfluence, but in reality, organizing and advocacy is just sales by a different name. This week we’re joined by Jenna Golden, former Director of Political Sales at Twitter and now Founder of Golden Strategies. We’re diving in on how important it is to think like a salesperson in advocacy. We’ll talk through how to read the room and pinpoint your language to get your advocates’ attention, speak their language, and get them to act.

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